Saturday, December 31, 2011

Video: NASA hopes to answer questions about the Moon

>>> finally tonight here on earth this weekend is all about new year's eve. but for a team of nasa scientists, the focus will be a quarter of a million miles away . they will be monitoring a pair of spacecraft orbiting the moon, hoping to answer some age-old questions in what's being described as the biggest moon mission since man first landed there more than 40 years ago. here's nbc's george lewis .

>> reporter: millions of years ago, earth may have had not one, but two moons. then, according to theory they collided -- an event known as the big splat. that would explain the irregularities on the present day moon. all the valleys on the side we see. all the mountains on the other side.

>> scientists have not had a good way to track that down yet. this is the going of solving that mystery.

>> zero, and liftoff of the delta ii , journey to the center of the moon.

>> reporter: in september, nasa launched two lunar probes aboard the same rocket. they'll chase each other in orbit around the moon to study it from surface to center. the mission will be run from this control room in paspasadena, california. a critical point comes this weekend when the two craft fire to get into orbit around the moon.

>> this is the big crunch time. this weekend is going to be the time when it comes together or falls apart .

>> that's one small step for man --

>> reporter: for nasa it will be the most intense focus on the moon since the days of the apollo program .

>> it's very challenging but we have done a lot of practicing and we're ready to do that.

>> reporter: former astronaut sally ride will organize thousands of middle school students to tell nasa what pictures the spacecraft should take with their on-board cameras.

>> hopefully it will encourage kids to get more involved in science and engineering.

>> reporter: so this weekend while millions are watching the new year's ball drop in times square , nasa scientists will be watching the other illuminated ball that holds so many mysteries. george lewis , nbc news, pasadena, california.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Steelers coach Mike Tomlin's take

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Green Group: Tornado Cleanup a Bright Spot for Alabama

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) ? An environmental group says the tornadoes that devastated Alabama during the spring show that a state with a spotty record can make progress toward recycling and protecting its streams and forests.

Environmentalists often criticize Alabama for what they consider lax enforcement of clean air and water standards, but the Homewood-based Green Resource Center says the twister cleanup and recovery are bright spots on the state's record.

A new report by the group praises environmentally friendly policies adopted amid the rebuilding in tornado-ravaged Tuscaloosa, and it says more than 90 percent of the tornado debris in Birmingham was recycled.

The report says the recycling saved landfill space and avoided air pollution linked with incineration while injecting about $2 million into the area economy and providing a new model for debris removal.

?2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

US declines to cite China as currency manipulator (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Obama administration on Tuesday declined to label China a currency manipulator after seeing recent increases in the value of the yuan compared to the dollar.

The decision angered some manufacturing groups, which have accused Beijing of artificially holding down the value of its currency to gain trade advantages. A cheaper yuan makes Chinese goods less expensive when they are shipped to the United States. It also makes U.S. goods more expensive in China. Both could increase the U.S. trade deficit with China, which is on pace to hit a record high this year.

The Treasury Department said the yuan has appreciated 12 percent against the dollar in the past 18 months, after adjusting for inflation. In addition, the department said in a semi-annual report that China promised at two high-level meetings last month to make the yuan's exchange rate more flexible.

Still, yuan is "substantially undervalued" and its appreciation "is insufficient and more progress is needed," the report noted. The department will "press for policy changes that yield greater exchange rate flexibility" and "level the playing field."

The currency report evaluates exchange rate policies of all major U.S. trading partners. It was scheduled to be released on Oct. 15, but the administration delayed its release until after last month's meetings.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, has criticized the administration for refusing to cite China for manipulating its currency. Romney said in October that, if elected, he would take that step on his first day in office. That could lead to trade sanctions against China.

Scott Paul, executive director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, also questioned the decision.

"I'm disappointed that President Obama has now formally refused six times to cite China for its currency manipulation, a practice which has contributed to the loss of hundreds of thousands of American manufacturing jobs," Paul said.

Paul urged the House to pass legislation approved by the Senate that would make it easier to cite China for unfairly manipulating its currency. Many manufacturers argue that China's currency is undervalued by as much as 40 percent.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has opposed the measure.

China has recently taken action that could result in the yuan appreciating without prodding from the U.S.

China and Japan agreed this week to accept the others' currency when trading. Currently, they each convert their currency to dollars. That has made trade between the two Asian economic giants more expensive.

The change could reduce the importance of the dollar in Asia, the world's fastest-growing region. But it could also help the yuan trade more freely on international markets, which could result in it appreciating against the dollar.


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Aide to top Mexican drug boss Guzman captured (Reuters)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) ? The Mexican defense ministry on Monday paraded before the media a man suspected of being a senior aide to the country's most wanted drug trafficker, Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, the boss of the powerful Sinaloa cartel.

In a statement, the defense ministry said Mexican soldiers had arrested Felipe Cabrera, known as "el Inge", in Culiacan, capital of Sinaloa, the northwestern Pacific state after which Guzman's drug cartel is named.

Cabrera, whose nickname is an abbreviation of the Spanish word for engineer, was the second suspected Guzman lieutenant to be seized in Culiacan in the past two months. In October, the army captured a third Guzman ally in the city.

President Felipe Calderon's conservative administration has been dominated by his military crackdown against drug cartels, which has claimed over 45,000 lives in the past five years, eroding support for his National Action Party, or PAN.

The government has captured or killed dozens of senior drug smugglers, but Guzman, the most notorious, still eludes Calderon.

The defense ministry said Cabrera was in charge of the Sinaloa cartel's operations in the neighboring state of Durango, a Guzman bastion where he has been rumored to live.

It added that Cabrera also had responsibility for the southern part of the border state of Chihuahua, through which many drugs are smuggled into the United States.

Cabrera, who allegedly headed Guzman's personal security in the Durango area, is suspected of involvement in a host of violent crimes ranging from arson to kidnapping and extortion.

The government didn't say when Cabrera was captured. He was paraded before the media in Mexico City on Monday, a common practice after a noted drug cartel suspect is captured.

Guzman runs an empire of methamphetamine, marijuana and cocaine smuggling that has earned him a spot on Forbes magazine's list of billionaires.

(Reporting by Anahi Rama; Editing by Eric Beech)


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Uproar over panda choice as a top face of women


Tian Tian, the female panda bear also called Sweetie, looks out from her enclosure Dec. 16 as members of the public view her for the first time at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland. The panda was named Wednesday as one of the 12 female faces of the year by the BBC.

By staff

The BBC's web page Wednesday showing the 2011 women's faces of the year.

The BBC's inclusion of a panda as one of the 12?"Faces of the year 2011 - the women" has caused an outrage.

The list published Wednesday included Tian Tian, also known as Sweetie, one of two?giant pandas on loan from China to the Edinburgh zoo, for December. The women representing each of the other 11 months of the year are people, as are all the 12 men?on the BBC's?male faces list published?Monday.

Freelance journalist Bob Chaundy, whose name appears at the bottom of the BBC's webpage, told the Guardian newspaper of London that he agreed the panda it was an odd choice but that?the selection was put together by BBC editors. He only wrote up their choices, he said.

The issue was playing out on Twitter with thousands of posts under the hashtag #pandagate.

"Here's why #pandagate matters: 3 out of 4 people in the news are men. Don't give the 1 female slot to a panda," posted Catherine Mayer.

Several?Tweeters pointed out the BBC's choice was a female face "with 2 black eyes."?Chaundy tweeted that's what he got from his wife over the 'pandamonium.'

The BBC's men's faces of 2011.

The BBC press office tweeted in response to the social media?outrage: "Sweetie isn't the first non-human on Faces of the year list, Peppa Pig last year and Benson the carp on the 2009 male list."

The uproar was covered by news media on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Labor member of Parliament?Stella Creasy told the Guardian that?the broadcaster had a long way to go when it comes to representing women. "Whilst we all love a good panda story, in a year when Christine Lagarde became head of the IMF, or Helle Thorning-Schmidt became prime minister of Denmark or even the sad death of Amy Winehouse, it's frustrating the BBC couldn't think of 12 human female faces who have made the news this year."

MSNBC's The Maddow Blog challenged readers to pick a human?to replace the?panda.?

Panda-gate appears to be just the icing on the cake frosting BBC watchers?already upset that the network did not include any women on its shortlist for Sprots Personality of the Year.

Members of Parliament have accused the broadcaster of "ignoring women's achievements" in sports.


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Heroines are the new 'it' thing.

So I've noticed the growing female leads in cinema and literature, people are choosing to rely on a strong woman to carry a story. And while I believe this to be a pleasing change of pace (I'm male by the by), I would like to hear a few opinions on this. I personally believe that with this new take in entertainment, women will continue to climb the gender biased food chain and eventually grab onto that equal pay they've been battling for, for almost, scratch that, they've always battled for equality. But more than that, I like the new trend of a strong girl with a bit of common sense.

Or maybe I'm just crazy and that isn't what is going on at all. What do you think?


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Police Beat, Detain Christians In China Determined To Celebrate Christmas

12/24/11 China (China Aid) - Members of a house church in coastal Zhejiang province determined to celebrate Christmas despite government orders forbidding them from doing so were beaten and detained for a second day on Saturday, which was Christmas Eve day.

The move against the Hongtang village house church in Huangtianfan township, Dongyang county, is part of an annual escalation of persecution against Christians in China during the Christmas season.

On Friday morning, as members of the Hongtang church were preparing for their Christmas meeting, they were attacked by police and village government and Communist Party officials and officials from the Religious Affairs Bureau, who specifically warned the church not to hold any Christmas celebrations on Saturday. In the attack, some believers were beaten, including Brother Luo Sennian, who was punched in the face.

On Saturday at 10 a.m., police and religious affairs bureau officials gathered outside the Hongtang church, standing guard. When dozens of church members showed up and started worshiping, the officials barged in shouting, ?This is an illegal religious gathering!? They started shoving equipment around, destroying furniture, and driving the believers out of the meeting place.

Police beat and bloodied Brother Luo and his 23-year-old son, Luo Kaikai, then took them, Brother Luo?s wife, Chen Weiquan, and another woman believer, Zhao Hongjuan, to the local police station where they were detained and interrogated for 9-1/2 hours for ?holding an illegal religious gathering.?


[Full Story]


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Census: Population slowing in large portions of US (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Many states that posted big population gains in the 2010 census are now seeing their decade-long growth fizzle, hurt by a prolonged economic slump that is stretching into larger portions of the South and West.

New 2011 estimates released Wednesday by the Census Bureau are the first state numbers since the 2010 count, which found the nation's population growth shifting to the Sun Belt.

As a whole, the U.S. population grew by 2.8 million, reaching 311.6 million people. That growth of 0.92 percent was the lowest since the mid-1940s, hurt by fewer births and less immigration following the recent recession. From 2000 to 2010, the government previously reported the nation grew 9.7 percent, the lowest since the Great Depression.

"The nation's overall growth rate is now at its lowest point since before the baby boom," said Census Bureau director Robert Groves.

Washington, D.C., grew faster than any state in the nation, climbing by 2.7 percent from April 2010 to July of this year. It was the first time the District led states in growth since the early 1940s. Texas was next-fastest growing, followed by Utah, Alaska, Colorado and North Dakota.

States that prospered during the real estate boom, such as Arizona, Nevada and Florida, were already beginning to show a drop in growth when their populations were officially counted a year ago. Since then, the slowdown has spread to other burgeoning areas whose populations had previously withstood much of the dampening effects of the sluggish economy.

They include Georgia, South Carolina, Utah and Idaho, whose annual growth over the last two years is now the weakest than any time in the last decade.

Texas, the big 2010 winner owing to a diversified economy that attracted new residents during the recession, is seeing its growth slow as fewer people move there. In contrast, Democratic-leaning states such as California and New York are losing fewer residents to other states than before.

"Record low migration has continued to put a damper on what looked to be a Sun Belt growth explosion just five years ago," said William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, who reviewed the numbers. "States that seemed immune from the housing bust are now experiencing declining population growth as employment opportunities in a variety of industries contract, and as mortgages seem nearly impossible to obtain."

The Census Bureau released state population estimates as of July 1, 2011. The data show annual changes through births, deaths, and domestic and foreign migration.

In all, 38 states showed lower growth in 2010 and 2011 than in either of the previous two years during the recession. Twenty-three of these states are in South and West region. Moreover, 28 states showed either slower in-migration or greater out-migration than in either of the first two years of the recession. These include Nevada and Arizona, but also Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Colorado and Utah.

Three states ? Rhode Island, Michigan and Maine ? have lost population since the 2010 census.

Kimball Brace, president of Election Data Services, said if the 2010 count had been held this year, Minnesota would have lost a seat in the House of Representatives and North Carolina would have picked up one due to the shifting population figures. Based on continuing losses, Rhode Island is now closer to losing one of its seats with just 41,000 people to spare. "It's definitely not moving in Rhode Island's favor," he said.

California remained the most populous state, followed by Texas, New York, Florida and Illinois.

The slowing U.S. growth comes as foreign immigration has declined since the recession, and fewer people are moving around within the nation's borders. In the last year, just 11.6 percent of the nation's population moved to a new home ? the lowest since the government began tracking information on movers in 1948.

A few bright spots include North Dakota and Alaska, whose thriving energy industries have helped attract residents and buoy employment rates. Both ranked among the top six fastest-growing states for the last two years, ranking higher than Nevada, Arizona, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina.

"After years of population decline, it's welcomed news to see that our economic growth over the last decade continues to keep North Dakotans home," said Gov. Jack Dalrymple. State demographers attributed the turnaround to an oil boom. The state's population gain since the 2010 census is nearly one-third as great as that during the entire decade from 2000-2010.

Florida, which saw its growth drop off sharply at the end of the last decade, is now showing signs of a slow recovery.

From 2007 to 2009, Florida saw more people move out than move in for the first time since the early 1970s; the latest estimates are now showing some rebound in population growth, due to fewer people who are moving to other southern states and greater gains from the northeast.

"The worst may be over for Florida," said Kenneth Johnson, senior demographer and sociologist at the University of New Hampshire.

As a whole, the South last year was the only U.S. region with a statistically significant increase in the poverty rate to 16.9 percent, higher than the national average of 15.1 percent. Some economists say huge swaths of the region could face a tough recovery after experiencing dramatic swings of housing boom and bust.

In contrast, the District of Columbia's population has reversed decades of decline in the 2000s as young professionals flocked to the region. It topped 600,000 last year for the first time in nearly 20 years as the relative stability of federal government jobs helped insulate the district from the nation's economic woes.


Associated Press writers James MacPherson in Bismarck, N.D., and Ben Nuckols in Washington contributed to this report.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Flash floods kill more than 500 in Philippines (AP)

ILIGAN, Philippines ? Tropical Storm Washi blew away Sunday after devastating a wide swath of the southern Philippines with flash floods that killed at least 521 people as they slept and turned two coastal cities into a muddy wasteland filled with overturned cars and uprooted trees.

With nearly 500 people missing, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin and top military officials were to fly to the worst-hit city of Cagayan de Oro to help oversee search-and-rescue efforts and deal with thousands of displaced villagers, as the weather began to clear and floodwaters receded. Among the items urgently needed are coffins and body bags, said Benito Ramos, who heads the government's disaster-response agency.

"It's overwhelming. We didn't expect these many dead," Ramos said.

Edmund Rubio, a 44-year-old engineer, said he, his wife and two children scrambled to the second floor of their house in Iligan city as raging floodwaters engulfed the first floor, destroying his TV set and other appliances and washing away his car and motorcycle.

Amid the panic, he heard a loud pounding on his door as his neighbors living in nearby one-story houses pleaded with him to allow them into one of his second-floor rooms. He said he brought 30 of his neighbors into the safety of the second floor of his house, which later shook when a huge, floating log slammed into it.

"It's the most important thing, that all of us will still be together this Christmas," Rubio told The Associated Press. "There was a nearby shantytown that was smashed by water. I'm afraid many people there may not have been as lucky as us."

Army officers reported unidentified bodies piled up in morgues in Cagayan de Oro, where electricity was restored in some areas, although the city of more than 500,000 people remained without tap water.

Philippine Red Cross Secretary General Gwendolyn Pang told the AP that at least 521 people had died in the floods, mostly children and women, and that 458 others were reported missing.

The death toll will most likely rise because many villages remain isolated and unreached by overwhelmed disaster-response personnel. The worst-hit cities were Cagayan de Oro, where at least 239 people died, and nearby Iligan, where Red Cross aid workers reported 195 dead, Pang said.

"Our fear is there may have been whole families that perished so there's nobody to report what happened," Pang said. "Many areas remain isolated and strewn with debris and unreached by rescue teams."

Tropical Storm Washi started to blow away toward the South China Sea on Sunday after slamming into the western province of Palawan, allowing the weather to clear and disaster-response contingents to intensify search-and-rescue work.

Most of the victims were asleep Friday night when raging floodwaters cascaded from the mountains with logs and uprooted trees after 12 hours of rain from the late-season tropical storm in Mindanao. The region is unaccustomed to the typhoons that are common to the north of the Philippine archipelago.

Both Iligan, a bustling industrial center about 485 miles (780 kilometers) southeast of Manila, and Cagayan de Oro were filled with scenes of destruction and desperation.

A swollen river sent floodwaters gushing through neighborhoods that do not usually experience flooding. A man floated in an inner tube in muddy water littered with plastic buckets, pieces of wood and other debris. Ten people in one home stood on a sloping roof, waiting for rescuers even as water still flooded the lower floors.

Local television footage showed muddy water rushing in the streets, sweeping away all sorts of debris. Thick layers of mud coated streets where the waters had subsided. One car was thrown over a concrete fence and others were crushed and piled atop each other in a flooded canal.

Benito Ramos, who heads the government's Office of Civil Defense, attributed the high casualties in Mindanao "partly to the complacency of people because they are not in the usual path of storms" despite four days of warnings by officials that one was approaching.

Thousands of soldiers and hundreds of local police, reservists, coast guard officers and civilian volunteers were mobilized for rescue efforts, but they were hampered by the flooded-out roads and lack of electricity.

Authorities recovered bodies from the mud after the water subsided. Parts of concrete walls and roofs, toppled vehicles and other debris littered the streets.

Rescuers in boats rushed offshore to save people swept out to sea. In Misamis Oriental province, 60 people were plucked from the ocean off El Salvador city, about six miles (10 kilometers) northwest of Cagayan de Oro. Coast guard boats and other rescuers were scouring the waters off Iligan for survivors or bodies that may have been swept away to sea.

In just 12 hours, Washi dumped more than a month of average rains on Mindanao. Forecaster Leny Ruiz said records show that storms that follow the same path as Washi come only once in about every 12 years.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement that the Obama administration offered its "deepest condolences" for the devastation in the southern Philippines.

"The U.S. government stands ready to assist Philippine authorities as they respond to this tragedy," the statement said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected."


Jim Gomez reported from Manila. Associated Press writers Oliver Teves and Hrvoje Hranjski contributed to this report.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Russia seizes Iran-bound radioactive material

By staff, NBC News and news services

Updated at 11:50 a.m. ET?

NBC News reported that U.S. officials believe the type of radioactive material seized was typically used for medical diagnostics, pointing away from Iran's nuclear program.

It quoted an un-named U.S. intelligence official saying: "We don't know whether the receipient was a government agency. It's unclear why they would want to smuggle it in - we are still investigating - but it does not appear that this involves Iran's nuclear program."

It said the official was nonetheless "deeply concerned" by the incident and commended the Russian security services for seizing it.

Updated at 7:43 a.m. ET

MOSCOW - Radioactive material has been seized from the luggage of a passenger bound for Tehran,?Russia's customs?agency said Friday.

Authorities said agents?found 18 pieces of metal at Moscow's Sheremetyevo international airport.

In a statement, Federal Customs Service said?that tests showed the material was a radioactive isotope which could be obtained only "as a result of a nuclear reactor's operations."

Gauges showed that normal radiation levels were exceeded by 20 times, officials said.

Citing the customs service's statement, NBC News reported that the pieces of metal were individually packaged in steel canisters.

The Interfax news agency?reported that?the pieces of metal?contained Sodium-22, a positron-emitting isotope with a remarkably long half-life. It can also be used in medical equipment, Reuters reported.

The customs agency said prosecutors have launched a probe into the incident.

Tension is escalating between Western powers and Iran after a U.N. nuclear watchdog report last month that said Tehran appeared to have worked on designing a nuclear weapon, and that secret research to that end may be continuing.

The United States and its European allies have seized on the unprecedented document by the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to crank up the sanctions pressure on Iran, one of the world's largest oil producers.

Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

More from and NBC News:

Reuters, The Associated Press, staff and NBC News contributed to this report.


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Revamped double-decker to hit London streets soon (AP)

LONDON ? The latest incarnation of the British capital's iconic double-decker buses will be crisscrossing the city's streets in time for the summer Olympics, London Mayor Boris Johnson promised Friday.

Johnson said the sleek new vehicles would be a fitting successor to London's much-loved red Routemasters, which were nearly all pulled off the streets in 2005. Their bigger, boxier replacements proved more practical in many ways, but haven't inspired the same kind of loyalty.

Johnson promised a redesign when he became mayor, and the he was on board Friday as a prototype pulled into Trafalgar Square.

"It is the latest, greatest masterpiece of British engineering and design," Johnson crowed.

Although some old-style Routemasters still ply the tourist route between St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London, the bus beloved by generations of Londoners was doomed by issues of accessibility and cost.

Passengers loved the buses' curved lines, their conductors and their open platforms at the back ? ideal for a harried commuter racing to make a connection.

But Routemasters weren't wheelchair-accessible and the aging fleet proved expensive to maintain. Even the handy hop-on, hop-off platforms were a problem: Passengers racing to catch their early morning ride or coming home from the pub sometimes fell off the bus, occasionally with fatal consequences.

Johnson's new bus revives the platforms (which can now be closed) and restores some of the original's asymmetry and rounded feel. The mayor's administration claims it will be the most environmentally friendly vehicle of its kind.

The mayor's opponents have raised concerns over the cost of the redesign, attacking it as a vanity project.

Opposition assembly member Val Shawcross said Londoners should be asking themselves "whether spending millions on redesigning buses when we're on the verge of another recession should really be a priority."



A New Bus for London:


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Archos CEO wants to create a child-sized robot for less than 300 euros, apparently

Forget all of Archos' tablet and e-reader nonsense. They're just stepping stones on the way to a grander vision -- one rife with home automation and, apparently, bite-sized, budget-friendly robots. That's what CEO Henri Crohas revealed in a recent interview with French daily La Libération, while describing his company's aspirations to create thinner tablets, as well as a "child-sized robot, sold for less than €300." Crohas didn't elaborate upon this remark, transcribed as an "oh by the way" aside, though he did go on to describe Archos as a "genetic anomaly" among European manufacturers, and cited Charles Darwin as one of his most admired thinkers. Infer at your own discretion.

[Thanks, Thocan]

Archos CEO wants to create a child-sized robot for less than 300 euros, apparently originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 12:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink Archos Lounge  |  sourceLa Liberation (French)  | Email this | Comments


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NJ mayor resigns amid escort website sex scandal (Providence Journal)

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Evidence Links Specific Genes to ADHD (HealthDay)

SUNDAY, Dec. 4 (HealthDay News) -- Variations in genes involved in brain signaling pathways appear to be linked to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a new study.

The findings suggest that drugs that act on these pathways may offer a new treatment option for ADHD patients with the gene variants, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia researchers said.

In the study, researchers conducted whole-genome analyses of 1,000 children with ADHD and 4,100 children without ADHD. They then evaluated the findings in light of other research involving nearly 12,000 subjects -- 2,500 with ADHD and 9,200 without.

The genomic analysis revealed at least 10 percent of the children with ADHD had so-called "copy number variations" -- deletions or duplications of DNA sequences -- in four genes that are all part of the glutamate receptor gene family. The strongest result was in gene GMR5.

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter, a protein that transmits signals between neurons in the brain, the study authors explained in a hospital news release.

"Members of the GMR gene family, along with genes they interact with, affect nerve transmission, the formation of neurons, and interconnections in the brain, so the fact that children with ADHD are more likely to have alterations in these genes reinforces previous evidence that the GMR pathway is important in ADHD," study leader Dr. Hakon Hakonarson, director of the Center for Applied Genomics at Children's Hospital, said in the news release.

"Our findings get to the cause of the ADHD symptoms in a subset of children with the disease," he added.

One expert said the finding could prove to be significant.

"This study is important not only in that it has identified gene variants that are associated with ADHD in approximately 10 percent of cases, but it identifies novel treatment strategies related to the neurotransmitter glutamate that researchers can now try to develop for individuals with the newly identified gene variants," said Dr. Andrew Adesman, chief of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Steven & Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York in New Hyde Park, N.Y.

"This study provides further evidence not only that ADHD has a genetic basis in a distinct subset of children with ADHD but that the neurotransmitter glutamate seems to play a big role in some cases," he added. "Hopefully, these findings will allow researchers to identify safe and effective treatment strategies for the subset of children with ADHD who have variations in their glutamate-related genes."

The study was published online Dec. 4 in the journal Nature Genetics.

ADHD affects as many as 7 percent of school-age children and a smaller percentage of adults. Symptoms include short attention span, impulsive behavior and excessive activity. The causes are not known, but ADHD tends to run in families and is believed to be influenced by many interacting genes.

Adesman also noted that the technique used in this study, comparative whole-genome analysis, "may in the future identify other treatment opportunities for sub-groups of children with ADHD and other conditions."

More information

The American Academy of Family Physicians has more about ADHD.


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Monday, December 5, 2011

Hezbollah: Israel detonates communications 'spy' device

The Israeli army on Friday detonated an espionage device in southern Lebanon that had been monitoring a communications network, Shia group Hezbollah said.

"The Israeli enemy today detonated an espionage apparatus latched onto a communications network between the villages of Srifa and Deir Kifa by drone after the Islamic Resistance [Hezbollah] succeeded in uncovering the device," read a statement released by the Syrian- and Iranian-backed group.

No one was injured in the explosion east of the coastal city of Tyre, the statement said.

A Hezbollah official in southern Lebanon told AFP the militant movement earlier on Friday had sent five of its members to monitor the area where the device had been planted, which could have alerted the Israelis that their equipment had been exposed.

On December 3, 2010, Israel also detonated two espionage devices in the southern Lebanese village of Wadi al-Qaysiyya.

Friday's incident came days after a rocket launched from southern Lebanon landed in Israel, prompting the Jewish state to respond with a volley of rockets.

No one was injured in the attack, which was claimed by an Al-Qaeda-inspired group that calls itself the Brigades of Abdullah Azzam.

Hezbollah in recent weeks has rekindled a campaign against what it says are US and Israeli espionage networks in Lebanon, with the party recently announcing it had exposed infiltrators in the Shia group working for the Central Intelligence Agency.

Lebanese authorities last year launched a crackdown on alleged Israeli spy rings, arresting more than 100 people on suspicion of spying for the Mossad since April 2009.

The arrests included high-ranking security and telecommunications officials.

Hezbollah, which largely controls southern Lebanon, last fought a devastating war with its arch-foe Israel in the summer of 2006.

-AFP/NOW Lebanon


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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Obama pushes payroll tax cut extension (AP)

WASHINGTON ? President Barack Obama wants voters to get involved in the debate over extending the reduced payroll tax and he's asking them to tell members of Congress to keep the cut in place.

"Let your members of Congress know where you stand," Obama said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address. "Tell them not to vote to raise taxes on working Americans during the holidays. Tell them to put country before party. Put money back in the pockets of working Americans. Pass these tax cuts."

Obama's address directs listeners to the website, where an online calculator lets them determine how much money it's worth to them to continue the 2 percent reduction in the payroll tax that took effect this year. A family with income of $50,000 a year would pay $1,000 more in payroll taxes if Congress does not act by the end of this year to extend that reduction.

Democrats want to expand the reduction in addition to extending it. Republican leaders say they're committed to passing an extension, fearing political fallout if payroll taxes rise on Jan. 1 on 160 million wage-earners. The GOP rank-and-file appears divided, with many Republican senators voting against an extension supported by their leadership this week.

There's also disagreement about how or whether to pay for any extension. Democrats favor a new tax on millionaires; Republicans prefer to cut federal spending.

"We're going to keep pushing Congress to make this happen. They shouldn't go home for the holidays until they get this done," Obama said in his address. "And if you agree with me, I could use your help."

Obama also took note of a new monthly jobs report out Friday that showed the economy added 120,000 jobs in November, a positive number. "We need to keep this growth going and strengthen it," the president said.

Republicans devoted their weekly address to promoting a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, which is headed for a vote in the Senate after failing in the House last month.

Democratic leaders worked aggressively to defeat the measure in the House, saying that such a requirement could force Congress to cut billions from social programs during times of economic downturn and that disputes over what to cut could result in Congress ceding its power of the purse to the courts. The result was that the amendment got majority support but fell short of the two-thirds needed to advance a constitutional amendment.

Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, said "the impending vote to amend the Constitution represents a choice between changing business as usual in Washington or embracing the status quo that we can no longer afford."

"The real reason many lawmakers don't want a balanced budget amendment is the exact reason why it's so essential," Snowe said. "They don't want their hands tied; they want to continue to spend without restraint."

Like Obama, she asked listeners to make their views known.

"Contact your senators and urge them to support our balanced budget amendment," Snowe said, "so that we finally seize the fiscal reins and reclaim our future for our children and our grandchildren."



Obama address:

GOP address:


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Actress' lawsuit puts focus on age as job barrier (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? A million-dollar lawsuit by an actress who claims her job prospects were damaged when she was outed online as a 40-year-old has run smack into conventional wisdom: If Sandra Bullock, 47, and Helen Mirren, 66, are getting steady work, bias against older actresses surely must have vanished.

Film stars Meryl Streep, Halle Berry and Glenn Close are also members of the 40-plus and employed club. On TV, the majority of the "Desperate Housewives" female leads are nearing 50, while Emmy Award-winning Julianna Margulies of "The Good Wife" is 44.

But industry insiders and unions say star power obscures the ageism gap between high-profile performers and working stiffs ? a unique aspect of Hollywood's division of the haves and have-nots.

"There is a tendency for all of us to think of the actors we see all the time and whose names we know," said Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, the Screen Actors Guild's deputy national executive director and general counsel.

"But the vast majority of characters on TV and film are portrayed by people we don't know and who are struggling to make a living as an actor," he said.

Want examples? Think of searching a movie's closing credits to identify an actor in a minor role, or the somewhat familiar face that pops up as the guest victim or killer on a TV crime drama.

Older actresses face more hiring hurdles than their male counterparts, according to employment statistics from SAG and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, as well as the experience of those on the front lines.

Women over 40 make up 24.3 percent of the U.S. population, the 2010 census found. In comparison, union casting analysis show actresses over 40 years old get 12.5 percent of roles for television and film. Men of that age are also about a quarter of the population but nearly equal their ranks in casting.

(Television doesn't do well by women overall, who are 50.8 percent of the U.S. population but are seen in only a quarter of roles, according to union statistics.)

The picture is no prettier when it comes to earnings in the youth-obsessed industry. In 2010, for example, actresses ages 41 to 50 working in SAG-covered film and TV projects earned a total $58 million ? compared to the $160 million paid to actors in that age group.

The guild is heartened by the high-profile older actresses who are finding work, especially on TV, and Crabtree-Ireland said, "We hope that this will be the beginning of a trend for all of our members, but our data doesn't show that."

Among the groundbreakers are Close, 64, of "Damages" and the upcoming theatrical release "Albert Nobbs"; Kyra Sedgwick, 46, of "The Closer"; and Marg Helgenberger, 52, "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation."

That's progress, given that superstar Bette Davis was 42 when she played an aging actress on the brink of irrelevance in "All About Eve" (1950) and was 56 when she starred as an elderly "spinster" descending into madness in "Hush ... Hush, Sweet Charlotte" (1964).

Compare that to Dana Delaney and her role as a smart, sexy medical examiner in "Body of Proof." Delaney turns 56 next March.

"It's a miracle I'm still working," said Salma Hayek, 45, whose credits include the newly released "Puss in Boots" and "Frida" (2002), for which she received an Oscar nomination. "They told me you'll never work because I have the accent. ... They told me you're not going to work after 35 or 30, and I've never been busier in my life."

But non-marquee performers see a different script. The lawsuit filed in October by an actress identified only as "Jane Doe" contends that "lesser-known forty-year-old actresses are not in demand in the entertainment business."

How her age became public is at the heart of the suit. She says it was through the Internet Movie Database Pro website IMDbPro, the subscription-based counterpart to the popular and free IMDb, which are subsidiaries of IMDbPro's home page boasts that "Industry Insiders Use Pro," which offers 80,000 representation listings for actors, directors, and producers. Those listings generally include, among credits and contacts, birth dates.

"It's become a really big tool in our business. But it's become a detriment to the working actor," said agent Marilyn Szatmary, a partner in SMS Talent in Los Angeles. There's a growing reliance on using an actor's chronological age to judge them for a role, instead of assessing the age they can "play" on screen, she said.

"You get on the phone with a casting director and you try to pitch someone for a role, say a 30-year-old character, and the actor legitimately can play 30," Szatmary said. "But the casting director goes on IMDBPro and says, `No, this says they're 35.' And they won't call them."

What Crabtree-Ireland calls "the IMDb issue" has provoked a flood of complaints from guild members in the last five to six years. Young actors can be affected as well, he said, recalling a 22-year-old who, when her age was revealed online, abruptly stopped getting juvenile roles she'd routinely played.

Industry changes, including the rise of reality TV series and diminished film production, have reduced the available work for actors and made hiring more competitive. In this crowded field, even a guest role on a TV series such as "Grey's Anatomy" can draw 2,000 submissions, Szatmary said.

That's why those responsible for filling roles need to use all tools at their disposal, casting directors say. Actors may claim to be younger and may post misleading photos online, said casting veteran Sheila Manning. ("The photos they are using are, shall we say, Photoshopped," she said.)

If they look right for the part they'll be considered regardless of their age, Manning said.

"It's better now. There's more work for them (veteran performers), probably because the people hiring them are also getting older," Manning said. "I don't think we cast by age, I think we cast by looks. Look at Susan Sarandon, who's 65. She looks spectacular."

Isabella Hoffman, 52, whose credits include "Princess Diaries 2" and TV's "Homicide: Life on the Street" and "Criminal Minds," tries to avoid being typecast by age and, like many working actresses in Hollywood, looks younger than her years. But she sees the problem in a larger, more intractable context.

"Our belief system in America is `youth rules.' That's what people want to see. We've based a lot of our decisions about what we sell, what we wear ... on a much more youthful group."

Asked if that makes it especially tough for performers, she replies. "I don't know. You could also look at the flip side." She paused, and then added with a rueful laugh, "I can't look at the flip side."

SAG and IMDb representatives have been meeting over a nearly two-year period to discuss dropping ages from the site, Crabtree-Ireland said, with the guild providing a proposal that he declined to detail. AFTRA and other guilds are involved in the effort that so far has been fruitless.

The "Jane Doe" lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle, where Amazon is based, alleges that IMDB used the actress' credit card and other personal information to determine and post her birth date in violation of privacy and consumer rights. The actress, whose suit doesn't describe her career and notes only that she's from Texas and of Asian ethnicity, said she was keeping her identity unknown to avoid "even further damage and economic injury."

(Her attorney, who didn't respond to requests for comment, claimed in a filing that his client has been subjected to ridicule and retaliation. Several actors approached to discuss the issue on the record declined, citing its sensitivity, and a declaration filed this week by Crabtree-Ireland argued that if Jane Doe's name becomes known she could face industry blacklisting as a complainer.)

Amazon has a "long-standing practice of not commenting on litigation matters," company spokeswoman Mary Osako said in an e-mail that included a November motion for dismissal of the suit. There has been no ruling yet on the motion, which is based in part on the actress' anonymity. The motion also alleges that she is attempting to deceive the public and potential employers by hiding her age and tried to make IMDb "perpetuate" a falsehood about it.

SAG intends to keep pressing the company on posting ages and has not ruled out any options, Crabtree-Ireland said, including "litigation or legislative efforts. However, we continue to hope that IMDb will acknowledge the harm and take voluntary action."

"They have a moral obligation to consider the impact," he said. "IMDb covers a whole lot of people who are not and never will be newsworthy, the journeymen who keep the industry running. There will never be a profile on them in a major newspaper or magazine. But data is being published in a way that really undermines their career."

Despite the specter of age bias, Salma Hayek insists that "you cannot lie about your age."

But, she added, "I do think people should stop being obsessed about the age of the actors because it takes away some of the magic. You should be able to transform into anything."


AP Entertainment Writer Ryan Pearson contributed to this report.




EDITOR'S NOTE ? Lynn Elber can be reached at lelber(at)


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Saturday, December 3, 2011

3D Mark is coming to Android phones near you in 2012

Futuremark, father of 3DMark and PCMark, has begun work on an Android edition of its benchmarking software. Wittily titled 3DMark for Android, it'll bring the industry-standard testing tools to all the phones in Google's yard. When finished, users will be able to measure performance by pushing the phone's CPU, rendering, openGL and physics engines to the limits. Results will be comparable against the company's newest software, including the forthcoming Windows 8 build. It's inviting handset makers to join a benchmark development program, an exclusive club that already has AMD, NVIDIA, Intel, Imagination Technologies, Dell and HP on the guest list, you can see the full PR after the break -- just be advised, it's black tie only.

Continue reading 3D Mark is coming to Android phones near you in 2012

3D Mark is coming to Android phones near you in 2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 16:42:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Republicans make pipeline jobs issue for Obama (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? Republicans in Congress signaled on Wednesday that they plan to keep the Keystone XL pipeline alive as a tool for skewering President Barack Obama on jobs, the top political issue ahead of the 2012 elections.

The pipeline has been vociferously opposed by environmental groups, who also threatened to make it an election issue.

In the Senate, 37 Republicans signed on to a bill that would require the Obama administration to allow work to begin on the Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline within 60 days of passage, a schedule that will be difficult to achieve in the Democratic-controlled body.

In the House of Representatives, lawmakers were drafting a new bill that would give the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission the authority to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, wresting the project's fate out of the hands of the Obama administration, an aide said.

The bill, being drafted by Nebraska Representative Lee Terry, would require the energy regulator to issue an initial permit for TransCanada Corp's $7 billion project within 30 days of receiving the application for the pipeline, the aide said.

The decision now rests with the State Department, which had originally planned to announce a decision by the end of the year, but delayed its ruling pending a study of a new route. This will push the decision past the 2012 presidential election.

Approval of the pipeline would create 20,000 jobs at no cost to the government and would displace oil imports from the Middle East, Republican senators said at a news conference.

"We know that there's one major shovel-ready project ready to go, and that's the Keystone pipeline," said Mitch McConnell, Republican leader in the Senate.


"Incredibly, he (Obama) has delayed a decision until after the 2012 election apparently in fear of offending a part of his political base," said Richard Lugar, top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations committee, who sponsored the Senate bill.

A White House spokesman denied the decision was politically motivated, saying the State Department has said it needs more time to review the route's impact on communities and the environment.

"I recognize that there are people in Washington, D.C., who want to apply a political label to every single thing that the president or other members of his administration do," said Josh Earnest, speaking to reporters on Air Force One.

"But at the end of the day this is a decision that falls cleanly in line with the priorities that the president laid out for the need to balance competing priorities," Earnest said.

A State Department spokesman did not immediately have a comment on the bill.

There is hope that some Senate Democrats could sign on to the bill, said Marty Durbin, vice president with the American Petroleum Institution, a lobby group for oil companies.

"In either case, having this legislation out there is going to help keep the drumbeat going," Durbin said.

The bill will be fought by lawmakers who want to see a new environmental review of the project.

"I will vigorously oppose any efforts by Republicans in Congress to legislate a rubber-stamp approval for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline," said Bernie Sanders, one of the Senate's most liberal members, who said the project would increase greenhouse gas emissions.

The Republican senators argued Canada will ship its oil east to China if the Keystone pipeline falters. That would lead to more emissions than if the oil was processed through U.S. refineries, said John Hoeven of North Dakota, whose state needs the pipeline to ship oil from its booming shale development.

The pipeline had been opposed by lawmakers in Nebraska who were concerned about its proposed route. But TransCanada and the state have now agreed to an alternate path.

"The issues in Nebraska have been resolved," said Mike Johanns, a senator from the state who had opposed the project's original route but does not oppose the revised plans.

(Additional reporting by Laura MacInnis aboard Air Force One and Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Philip Barbara and Bill Trott)


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Friday, December 2, 2011

Mortgage rates for the past 52 weeks, at a glance (AP)

Mortgage rates for the past 52 weeks, at a glance - Yahoo! News Skip to navigation ? Skip to content ? AP By The Associated Press The Associated Press ? Thu?Dec?1, 5:17?pm?ET
The average rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage hovered just above its record low for the fifth straight week, Freddie Mac said Thursday. Here's a look at rates for fixed and adjustable mortgages over the past 52 weeks.
Current week's average Last week's average 52-week high 52-week low
30-year fixed 4.00 3.98 5.05 3.94
15-year fixed 3.30 3.30 4.29 3.26
5-year adjustable 2.90 2.91 3.92 2.90
1-year adjustable 2.78 2.79 3.40 2.78
All values are in percentage points.
Source: Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Market Survey.
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